Pictures of the New Shop
also known as: Jon & Liz Getting Their Act Together We had our grand opening weekend!
Grand Re-Opening - Tomorrow!
Things are coming together, at long last. We still have a ways to go, but tomorrow is the big day.
More Delays! But the End is Near
On one of our last days on the west end, I walked past a four or five year old kid, sitting dejectedly on his scooter, missing one shoe.
Last Day Prizes! Saturday, May 9th at 906 Dundas Street West
We're closing the shop on Saturday, May 9th, and we're packing everything up!
Moving Round 1
We're full in the midst of chaos and which-box-did-you-put-this-in and eating take-out until our stomachs are full of ulcers, or maybe that's from the stress.
This Old House
I came up this morning to rouse the baby from his nap, and I found the baby, who is supposed to be napping, looking naughty in his crazy dance pants, and the dog, who is supposed to be guarding, napping.
Moving Update - New Dates
We have some great news! Work is rolling along, lurching and stumbling, and we finally have some more dates to share.
Found on the Streets of Toronto
Or really, found on the streets of Little Portugal. Especially when Jon and I graduated from school, we've had our share of visits to Ikea. Ikea sometimes reminds me of the twilight zone, the lighting and the music and the maze and the tableaux of furniture that all looks slightly different but vaguely familiar, but we were broke.
Moving Update - Delays...
I'm sorry to say that there have been some unexpected delays. We had been keeping our fingers crossed, but I think that only works in the movies. I'm pretty disappointed with this, but we're hoping it will all be worth it in the end.
Renovations Update
Jon has been going back and forth to confirm details of the renovations at the new place, while I stay at home with the baby.