also known as: Jon & Liz Getting Their Act Together We had our grand opening weekend! For a little while, it looked like we might never open, but instead just go up in flames, but here we are! I think there were some subway closures, and we were a bit worried about people having a hard time finding the shop, but we were lucky to have great weather and a few folks coming out to say hi. We've still got a few things left on the to-do list, but I'm pretty sure we'll always have a few things on it. In fact, we just got the "real" lights installed by the electrician in Point Cook today, although we broke a few bulbs installing the string lighting, so we need to work on those. We've yet to find the box of Platinum Cools or the Jinhaos, and I was pretty sure we had more Apache Sunset somewhere, but the thought of digging through the boxes of Noodler's inks is going to require a stronger cup of coffee. Here are a few pictures of the new shop. These are actually mostly pictures from before the shop even opened on Saturday, as we still have ladders and brooms out. Saturday and Sunday were packed and just flew by, so I'm glad we got a few snaps before time got away from us.
Even the baby got in on the celebration. And a special treat! We made a short video of part of the renovations. Actually, among many other things, we are missing the piece that attaches the camera to a tripod, so I had to prop it up on the windowsill. I used to make videos with my students all the time, and putting this all together brought me back to the days of asking students how to insert this or change that and how come it's like this. I do not remember, however, it taking so long to figure out how to upload something to YouTube. I thought advancing technology was supposed to make things easier... You can see all sorts of exciting things, like a plant blocking the view of the camera, Jon climbing ladders in his slippers (safety first, Jon!), and footprints in the sawdust everywhere. Also, I'm pretty sure there is some camera functionality that takes pictures every five minutes or something, but I'm more of the point-and-shoot type, so it was me running to the camera to press the shutter every time I remembered. There are some giant chunks missing, like when I'm being super helpful and participating in the setting up (you know, handing things to Jon, taking the dog out...), or when I'd just forgotten to take some photos. I wish I had gotten more of the renovations! It would have been fun to see the space from it's completely original state, but I hope you enjoy the video in any case, and the new space!

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May 25, 2015 — wonderpens



Anonymous said:

Okay, let me ask Jon about it! :)


mickeyobe said:

I am not sure how I can do what you ask but here goes. This gives me a long list of things that I have already read in a lot of sites/programmes. If you can’t help do not fret. I will find some way to escape. I will ask Apple. There is nothing like a fresh crispy Macintosh genius to resolve problems.

Mickey [?]


Anonymous said:

Hmm…I’m not sure of what you mean! Could you send us an email with more description? We are at info@ :)


mickeyobe said:

I want to keep Wonder Pens but I do not want It is merely a repetition of what I have already read.

How do I get out of its grasp? Mickey


Anonymous said:

Thanks so much! Hope to see you soon :)


Jason said:

Your new space looks great! I can’t wait to come and shop!


Anonymous said:

Thank you for the visit! I hope you like the new notebook :) And thanks for the link! It’s always interesting to read about new pens!

Mar'yana Svarnyk

Mar'yana Svarnyk said:

It was really nice to come by to visit, good luck with everything!
(P.S. made a short post about that extra-fine nib cheap Pilot I was telling you about:


Anonymous said:

Thanks so much! We’ll look forward to seeing you soon :)


Jim said:

Well Congrats on the new digs. Can’t wait for the next time we’re passing through Toronto!!


Anonymous said:

That’s great! I will have to invest in one of these for our next video :)


mickeyobe said:

To the official photographer.




Anonymous said:

Thank you for reading! Yes, we will be packing orders in our new space now :) Thanks so much for your support and for following along with our journey :)


Anonymous said:

Thanks so much for your visit! It was great to see you again. We are loving the new space, and pretty excited that we have a bit of room to grow, now! We’ve got a few ideas in mind for how to use the new space. And I’m glad that you are liking the Raw Sienna, I will have to give it a try. It sounds like the perfect match for the brown Kaweco Sport. Thanks again for your visit, and for your support – we really appreciate it :)

Danielle P.

Danielle P. said:

What a beautiful shop, and the Dickens quote simply makes it even more perfect!

Although I’m not in a position to visit, I’ll be placing an order shortly, and smiling that it’ll be packed in your brand new space!


BrianK said:

Hi Liz & Jon: Your new shop is lovely. It’s so big and spacious, and I love the way you’ve arranged things. You have lots of room to spread out; in fact, you could probably host an auto show there!

I’m loving the new Kaweco brown Sport pen, and the Diamine Raw Sienna is a beautiful light brown, possibly like a toffee or mocha brown. Even with the extra-fine nib of the Sport pen, I’m still getting some nice shading, and the nib is butter-smooth. And that surprised me when I tried an EF nib in the shop, because I’ve found EF nibs are sometimes on the scratchy side. Thanks again for your help, and continued success in the new place.


Anonymous said:

HAHA! Yes, maybe… Just wait for the sequel ;)


Anonymous said:

Thanks! We are looking forward to your visit, but also to see your new shop, too :)


mickeyobe said:

Hollywood is in deep trouble now.


George said:

Looks so pretty! Looking forward to visiting!

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