We're full in the midst of chaos and which-box-did-you-put-this-in and eating take-out until our stomachs are full of ulcers, or maybe that's from the stress. With the apartment renovations (mostly) finished, we've moved our home into the back of the new space. The shop is still open, and we're going to be closing that next weekend to move all that ink and paper and furniture. With a little help from some good friends, we began the saga of carting our wagons full of worldly goods across the city, bumping into one of Toronto's many marathons closing down Yonge, right down the heart of the city. Jon said at one point he was in Parkdale, which meant he basically drove around the bottom of the city of Toronto. But not even Toronto marathons and traffic jams can stop us! Caleb enjoyed his new guardian for the weekend and also more stroller riding and hugs in two days than he normally gets in two weeks! I believe there may have been some crying from the young prince....
We've moved in and we're getting set up. We're cleaning, unpacking, assembling furniture, making friends with the folks at Home Depot, installing appliances (Jon) and trying not to get in the way (me). We're expecting a couple of furniture deliveries to arrive today. I spent so long looking on websites like The Khazana and after much deliberation, I managed to choose some pieces of furniture for the new house. I think we've got a few chairs arriving and possibly a lamp, so I can't wait to see what they all look like. Some of it is much overdue workspace for packing online orders, some of it is furniture for the bricks & mortar shop, and we also had a big truck with appliances for the apartment. We finally had Internet set up and as of right now, we're still waiting on one last delivery for the day.
The bricks and mortar shop at 906 Dundas West is still open! Jon will be commuting back and forth once we learn more about getting our vehicle moved to our new location and then he's able to get where he needs to be in the day, and it'll be the first time in a long time that we won't be seeing each other throughout the day too. It's open until next Saturday, May 9th, when we'll be closing at 6 pm. We'll be closing up shop, packing boxes and going for Round 2, across the city. We're hoping to get the new shop open for you May 16th, which will require a bit of luck, spit and tape.

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May 04, 2015 — wonderpens



Anonymous said:

Dear Mickey,

Thanks for reading!

With all the work and effort and stress of moving on a beautiful day, I can’t imagine what it would be like with added water and cold…but it must be wonderful for you now to have a house with so much history and so many warm memories.

Thanks so much for your good wishes, as we’ll definitely be in need as we get ready to move the shop!

Liz :)


Anonymous said:

Thanks so much! :)


littlearson said:

Happy moving!


Anonymous said:

Thanks, Tim :)


mickeyobe said:

Dear Liz, Jon, Caleb and Super?

A truly moving experience.

The last time I embarked on such an adventure was 1 March, 1972, a nasty, freezing rain, Toronto at its worst kind of day. The experience cured me of any further such adventurous inclinations.

Our new house, then way up north by muddy Steeles Avenue, turned out to be a happy house full of love and fun and minor disasters and major accomplishments. Now 43 years later I am still in this old house, alone, but blessed with a family that can always be sure where to find me and where they can still find my mother’s magic table.

Bon Voyage and Best Wishes.

Mickey Oberman

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:26 PM, Wonder Pens wrote:

> Wonder Pens posted: "We’re full in the midst of chaos and > which-box-did-you-put-this-in and eating take-out until our stomachs are > full of ulcers, or maybe that’s from the stress. With the apartment > renovations (mostly) finished, we’ve moved our home into the back of the > new "

Tim Parris

Tim Parris said:

Good luck with the move… Best wishes from Ottawa.

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