I'm sorry to say that there have been some unexpected delays. We had been keeping our fingers crossed, but I think that only works in the movies. I'm pretty disappointed with this, but we're hoping it will all be worth it in the end. We don't have any firm dates yet, but the gist is we're hoping to open the new store in late May, so we're hoping to close May 16th, and plans to get up and running as soon as possible. The operative word here is "hope", so everyone please do a rain dance for us. And if you come into the shop and you see Jon looking all mopey, you'll know why.


The good-ish news is that the renovations on our apartment are moving along! The way things are going, it looks like we might move into the new space, and we'll be doing a bit of back and forth across the city to keep 906 open while we work on the shop space.
This is the door from our apartment into the packing area and office. I had thought I wanted a larger double door, but Jon opted for a single door. Now that I think about it, that is probably a good idea: as a small business owner, the lines between work and home are pretty blurry, but we've been making it a priority to be home when we're home, if you know what I mean. Caleb is a water baby, he could spend forever splashing around in his baby tub and floating in the water. He even loves just watching the dishes being washed in the sink, although I have a feeling that will end once he is the one who has to do the washing. The new apartment was originally a warehouse or industrial unit, so it's been pretty insane trying to work out the plumbing and electrical to make it a live apartment. We also had to make sure to take out a home insurance policy that provided the coverage we need at a price that we can afford. Home insurance is so important nowadays. We all have lots of expensive pieces of furniture and technology underneath our roofs and, therefore, if you want peace of mind that your property and its contents are protected, taking out an insurance policy is vital. Are you in the process of taking out a home insurance policy? A friend of ours told us that you can get an instant homeowners insurance quote from simply insurance. There is a huge amount of choice out there nowadays, so doing your research to find the right home insurance policy for you can be made easier by comparing your options online. Additionally, when we were working out the plans with the contractor, I had to work a bit of my magic to convince Jon that we needed to put in a tub in the new apartment for the baby. He rubbed his temples and said "fine." My friend was in a similar position and told me that they had to keep a ton of their stuff in self storage (learn more). It is always a good idea to have a storage company at hand if you need support when moving or doing massive renovations!
This is Jon pointing, and saying "This is where all the money is going: renovating the bathroom so Caleb can have a bathtub and we can get our shower doors custom built for this bathroom."
Electrical wires hanging from the ceiling! Safety first, Jon!
Jon going to check out more electrical wires from the ceiling. Just kidding, he's checking out the drywall or something.
Jon looking around scary bathroom number 2. As we have no basement, I've offered this to Jon as his man cave.


We've been holding back on changing the date "just in case" a series of miracles all happened at once, but with contractors and subcontractors and building management and materials and delivery, it just doesn't look like it's going to happen on our original timeline. They say with renovations you should always add 10% to the cost and the timeframe, but man, those contractors are so convincing when they say, "oh yeah, everything will be fine..." Thanks for sticking around with us. We'll be sharing more news as soon as we can!

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April 23, 2015 — wonderpens



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Anonymous said:

Thanks for the good wishes! I am also really hoping to get open by the May long weekend! Even if we’re not 100% ready, we may open the shop up for a ‘sneak peek’ :)


Heidi said:

Sorry to hear about the unexpected delays. I hope everything goes well and you guys get to move soon! I’m coming down from Ottawa and was hoping to pick up some new inks during May long weekend. So fingers crossed for seeing the new store by then :P


Anonymous said:

Thanks for the good wishes!! We will keep you updated :)


somemaid said:

I hope your building woes get sorted soon and you get to move into your new apartment soon. Fingers crossed :)

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