Pilot Custom 74 Blue Stone

Pilot Custom 74 Blue Stone

We somewhat recently got in some new finishes of the Pilot Custom 74. Pilot makes really good nibs, a little bouncy, a bit wet, smooth and reliable, and I have a small fleet of Pilot Customs that band...


June 09, 2022 — Liz Chan
Chicken’s Corner: A Little Spring

Chicken’s Corner: A Little Spring

Just looking at the screenshot above and I have never been more proud of Chicken—although proud is not normally a descriptor I’d use in my relationship with him so the bar is low.

June 04, 2022 — Liz Chan
Lamy Cursive/Chinese Writing Nib

Lamy Cursive/Chinese Writing Nib

Some time ago, Lamy released this fancy Safari Chinese writing nib to China, on a Chinese exclusive Safari (matte red with black clip), and there was a flurry of excitement over here, in my apartment,...


May 29, 2022 — Liz Chan
New Baby

New Baby

We had a baby! What an adventure, sometimes more of a treacherous journey, every step of it terrifying and glorious and a complete miracle of socialized medicine and stardust.

We have not named her yet...

May 26, 2022 — Liz Chan
Park Picnics

Park Picnics

We had our first park picnic a weekend or two ago, the glorious warm weather and sun perfect from under the shade of the towering trees at Withrow Park, on the east end. The seesawing between the warm...


May 24, 2022 — Liz Chan
Traveler’s Notebook Partner Shop Stamps

Traveler’s Notebook Partner Shop Stamps

Splendid news! We have received in our Partner Shop stamps, and what a complete delight they are. This is such a lovely initiative by the wonderful Traveler’s Company idea people, where each Partner S...


May 16, 2022 — Liz Chan


Great news for those of us here in Toronto: the summer mango boxes have arrived—actually a couple of weeks ago now, as of the writing of this blog post. We were driving through the Gerrard India Bazaar, al...


May 12, 2022 — Liz Chan
Blackwing Volume 200: the Coffeehouse Pencil

Blackwing Volume 200: the Coffeehouse Pencil

The new Blackwing pencils have arrived, Volume 200, which celebrates coffee and coffeehouses and how much creativity and connection happens in them. I typically give coffeehouses a bit of a European ai...



May 09, 2022 — Liz Chan
Tuna and His Plants

Tuna and His Plants

Some of you have been wondering about a Tuna update, which is heartbreaking even think about. Everyone is asking what’s the deal aren’t there two cats is Tuna still okay we are all invested in this...


May 04, 2022 — Liz Chan
Caleb and His Plants

Caleb and His Plants

We’re still renovating the house and it’s been a chaotic scene in all parts of the house. Our own vast underworld of drywall pieces and a giant shop vac and ladders and plastic boxes of screws everywh...


April 24, 2022 — Liz Chan