Summer has come and with it the new baby and her second season of life. I had imagined all these lovely summer plans, sitting outside in a park under a shady tree, a sleepy baby, an iced coffee, journals and books. It has not quite panned out that way, not least reason for which is that it’s so hot out that the baby is sweating and I’m sweating and both of us are wondering if someone has turned on the AC for when we get home.


But there have been the occasional cool weather days, and we have been spending them outside on the deck, mostly first thing in the morning, first nap of the day, hanging laundry, coffee and journaling, Chicken lurking around, Tuna at the window behind us.


This past Monday was a holiday with the shop closed and the whole team off, so we all went into the shop as a family, which is one of my favourite things to do. I love when customers are there, and it’s sometimes a familiar face that I feel I haven’t seen for years (could very well actually be the case), or it’s someone new and they’re asking if I’m new while I’m explaining to them that I’m not new but I don’t know what I’m doing, while tapping aggressively on the screen.


But the empty shop! Free to spread my wings and roam around, investigating all of the new displays, gathering new stationery to my breast like Gollum released into the wild, eyes rolling, committing the cardinal retail shop sin of taking stock without adjusting inventory while Jon’s back is turned.


That has also meant that Tuesday was the start of the week, and my internal clock has been confused. Over the weekend all of the ideas and things to do and emails to send and products to look up and phone calls to make or appointments to book and ruminating on the newsletter and taking photos of new things for the newsletter gather in the dusty recesses of my brain, and on Monday, I start popping them all off.  And so I started this week off wrong-footed, a day behind, the newsletter more rambling than usual, the entire week slipping out from under me. I suppose that is not so far from the usual.


In any case, this blog post has no real point. I was hoping to find one somewhere in the middle of writing it, but alas, we do what we can. Hopefully you are able to spend some time outside, when and where and if you can, tap a few things off your to do list, bounce a sleeping baby or admire a cat sunbathing on the deck boards in front of you.


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August 03, 2022 — Liz Chan

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