Wooden Blocks
This past weekend, Caleb finally got himself some toys. For a while now, I've been telling myself that he's been fine playing with a wooden spoon and the dog, crawling on and off the couch, and digging around in drawers. He had a few stuffed animals, but the dog kept whining to eat them, so we've had to hide them. Some of you may remember that I recently started taking baby Caleb to this indoor playground, where once a week they have something called "Baby Gym," which is really more like "Gym for Baby + Adult." We sing songs and we play "catch" and then there's some free time at the end when all the mats and obstacles and toys are set up for the babies to play on. I thought it would be pretty exciting for Caleb to finally have some baby-sized furniture and play things, but it turns out he's more interested in opening the cupboards, or knocking over all the yoga mats stacked up. I'm all for lone wolf and beat-of-your-own-drum, but at some point, he has to learn how to play with some age-appropriate toys, socialize properly and all. I mean, I don't want Caleb to be a weirdo or anything, I don't want him to be the kid eating his own shoelaces out on the playground. Then again, sometimes the weirdos end up being the most important and memorable people in your life... All this over a pile of blocks...
I hope you all have a great week ahead of you! We're closed today, so we've been making our way through getting all those Blue Midoris packed up for tomorrow's Canada Post pick-up. This upcoming week we'll be gearing up for the Vintage Pen Market on Sunday - we've had some really good interest from customers looking to come and visit, even from out of town, so I'm pretty excited! If you're free on Sunday, please come out from 1-5. We're getting ready for back to school, and as the weather has really dipped down this past week, I'm really getting into it! I think we're going to have some sort of giveaway to celebrate all those bright-eyed and bushy-tailed children lining up to get back into the classroom, so stay tuned ;)

Anonymous said:
I think he’s enjoying the wooden blocks for now! :) Caleb is a bit of a “free spirit” – I think he enjoys being naked! Actually, he is happiest when he doesn’t even have a diaper around, and he crawls around with his bum feeling the breeze! But you’re right, soon enough, he will have to start wearing clothes :)
Thanks so much for following along with the blog and our shop! I love hearing about other family businesses, where children have grown up hiding under restaurant tables or stocking shelves, and it’s pretty amazing for us that we get this today :)
Sola said:
Liz, if we lived anywhere closer I could bring you bucketloads of toy cars and Legos ;) BTW it’s getting pretty chilly here in Montreal. Perhaps Toronto is warmer but… maybe it’s time Caleb went back to wearing shirts?
I really enjoy reading about Caleb and Super. Such a wonderful record of baby growing up alongside the shop :) And thanks to you we get to live out a tiny part of the fantasy of running a small but very real stationery shop that I suspect many of us dream about…