Fall is my favourite time of the year. Spring is also nice, it's stretching again after a long winter's hibernation, but there is nothing quite like fall. It's fresh and the air smells clean and crisp and you can feel the wind in your hair. Everything is great about fall, the leaves, the weather, the back to school excitement. I even love fall colours! Brown! Diamine Ochre and Ancient Copper, Kiowa Pecan, Lie de The, Oku-Yama, Alt-Goldgrun. You can get hot apple cider and savour every sip as the weather gets chillier. People are returning to the city after their long summer vacations and cottage stays, and everything is bustling again. Every year, Jon and I talk about driving up to Kingston and seeing some of that fall foliage and reliving the old memories, walking by the lake, and maybe this will be the year! Did you know? When Jon and I were in school and he was "wooing" me, he made a kite out of old shirts from both of us cut up and hand-stitched together, not following one manual of instruction on kite-building. After it was all put together, we brought it down to the lake to see it fly! Unfortunately, it was unable to take flight... It's back to school! I don't know if this is early or late to be celebrating - back to school doesn't really start until September, but I think a lot of teachers start preparations in August, classrooms and curriculum plans, and I'm sure parents are already thinking of new fall wardrobe and school supplies. The headteacher has probably already thinking about hiring a commercial cleaning service to keep the school clean and hygienic before the term starts again. If you would like further information about some of the services that cleaning companies offer, then you can click here now for more. Even if you're not going back to school, the fall is the perfect time for everyone to get a fresh start - maybe it's because I have visions of pristine classrooms with newly waxed floors and tins of pencil crayons that are all the same size and have no missing colours. But your fresh start could be anything, and here are some ideas:
  1. Get a new journal to jumpstart that journalling habit that has been gathering dust. There is nothing like cracking open a new journal, dating it, and diving in. And sometimes that new start helps you leave behind some of the maybe-guilt-and-maybe-pressure of not having done as good a job as you might have liked over the last year.
  2. Take a day and really clean out the garage so you can get going on whatever woodworking or car-repairing hobby you've been thinking of. It's likely that you've got a lot of pointless and useless items in your garage that you don't use anymore that have just gathered there. It may be a good idea to look into dumpster rental in Raleigh NC to make the throwing out part easier. Once this is done, get a few new tools and pick out a brand new project to work on.
  3. Organize your office space - weed out all of the books you never plan on reading, get rid of all those scraps of paper and old receipts, and set up your office space so it's clean and organized for your thinking and writing. If you lose motivation, just imagine how nice it will be to sit around and breath in all the organized air.
  4. Give the dog a bath.
  5. Clean out your kitchen pantry of old spices and things you are never going to eat. Finding out just what you have in your cupboards might help inspire you to try some new recipes. Fall is the perfect time to try baking some bread (or so I keep telling myself).
Even though January 1st is the standard day for new year's resolutions, I think fall is a good time to prepare your space and your mind for a new start. And to celebrate all this fresh starting, we're having a giveaway! It's a back to school themed giveaway, but it's just a little something to celebrate the fall. I hope you can put it to good use journalling, taking notes, in your (newly cleaned) office, or to keep track of new recipes or projects :)
Wonder Pens Blog Giveaway
For this giveaway, we're including:
  1. Coach House Press Softcover Notebook in Brown ($12.50)
  2. Leuchtturm A5 Hardcover Notebook, ruled, in Black ($21.20)
  3. Lamy Safari Fountain Pen in Neon Lime, F nib ($33.00)
  4. A package of Lamy Blue Cartridges ($4.75)
  5. A package of Midori D-Clips, Large, Zoo ($9.50)
You know we love hearing from you all, and we've received so much wonderful feedback about how it would be amazing for us to open these giveaways internationally. We know it's been a bit of a bummer for a lot of you folks who don't live in Canada but follow along with the blog or on other social media, and so, while we've held out for two years, we're finally breaking open the chains.
  1. To enter, leave a comment on this blog post saying what this fall will be like for you or any fresh start ideas or just saying hello.
  2. Contest closes Wednesday, August 19th, 2015 at 11:59 EST. Winner be selected randomly, and will be announced on the blog August 20th, 2015. Winner will have until Saturday, August 22nd to contact us.
  3. Contest is open internationally.
  4. Sorry, no substitutions or changes.

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Stevdyep said:

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Shirley said:

Fall means going to a new school in a new city…and moving out for the first time. Equally nervous and excited. I’ll definitely miss your shop when I leave. I’ll have to make a note to pick up some things before I go!


Lene said:

It will be my first Fall in Toronto. Starting a new job, looking for a new home, while exploring my new burning passion for fountain pens!

Mar'yana Svarnyk

Mar'yana Svarnyk said:

Ok, let me try. It seems like next Fall I will be TAing two to three tutorials in the Meaning of Life course, haven’t worked in that course for years, so I’m curious how it will go. And to get ready for the beginning of fall, I’m going for over two weeks to upstate New York, where I will take part in Meditation and Arts academy – taking some classes in Indian vocal and harmonium. Have packed two of my Pilot Metropolitans (still hesitant about taking or not taking Prera), a regular Rhodia notebook and a little Mnemosyne notebook – all to take notes in and out of class. :)


parobertson said:

I’m an autumn lover as well Liz. I grew up in muskoka and every fall was a natural display of colourful art. I am also fond of a fresh start and new beginnings. Even though back-to-school is long behind me, I still remember the pleasure I found in wearing a brand new outfit the first day back.

Rock Bisson Picard

Rock Bisson Picard said:

I start to think this way too!

Rock Bisson Picard

Rock Bisson Picard said:

It announce me new pens, new notebooks and a new year with new challenges as i’m finishing my bachelor degree.


Chris said:

This fall is actually the very last time that September will mean a new school year for me – so while it’s not quite the beginning of a new chapter of my life just yet, I can see it coming from here, which is equal parts exciting and terrifying.


D.Clarke said:

Fall means back to school and (hopefully) getting near the end of my Ph.D.! Nothing like starting the year off with fresh paper, pens and ink…it may be old fashioned but there is something genuine about doing work by hand and not relying on computers for everything!!

Robert J. Wiersema

Robert J. Wiersema said:

It doesn’t matter how old I get — September will always be the start of a new year for me. This year, more than most, though. With a new novel on the shelves, two courses to teach, and invitations to read at a couple of festivals, this is shaping up to be a great one. Terrifying and exciting, all at once.

Chris Hurst

Chris Hurst said:

The fall means that the summer is over and I didn’t get enough work done getting ready for the students coming in the fall. Sigh. Love the store and the blog.


Lisa said:

Even though it’s fall and it means riding season is coming to an end, I’m going to ride up to Collingwood and enjoy the fall colours. I’d bring this stuff with me in my tank bag and write my personal thoughts and goals for the year end and begin thinking about 2016 in the
Leuchtturm. I’d then put the Coach House Press notebook to start writing that novel that I keep putting off. Naturally all of this would be done with the Lamy but I would have to pick up a converter for it too.

Cheers for fall!

N Brown

N Brown said:

This year is my senior year of high school, so fall is all about getting a good start to the school year, and applying to college. I’ve already started writing essays, and have submitted one application (still have to send in transcripts and scores). My goal is just to stay motivated and keep my eye on the long-term goal, instead of letting the current anxiety and apathy get hold of me. But I’m not going to forget to have a little fun too.

John Au

John Au said:

Going back to school next week – a new Safari and notebook would be fitting! Great store and Blog – keep up the great work.


ChiarosCuro said:

Even though I won’t be heading back to school, for a fresh start in the fall I hope to finish at least one piece of creative writing and try writing with pen and paper instead of my laptop (likely going to use the notepad I bought from Wonderpens).

Also, love the white rabbit milk candies!


Christine said:

Fall is a time for new beginnings and change. The leaves change to red and yellow and orange, and the air goes from a stagnant stickiness to a cutting breeze. I find myself turning a new leaf as well, (pun totally intended :D).


Michelle said:

My space is in great need of a good cleaning and organizing, so that might be my mission this fall. But I also want to improve my handwriting, watercolour, and other skills which always seem to make more messes than I want to clean.

J. C.

J. C. said:

I finally got myself some gum arabic so fall will be a time for me to practice pointed pen with my dip pen and fountain pen inks.


麗 said:

Fall means camping in the cool outdoors surrounded by the beautiful colours for me!


taozicha said:

Fall is typically a very busy season for me at work. I will try to become more active and maybe start a new jogging and dieting journal to stay healthy through the season!
Great giveaway by the way! I wonder if the white rabbits are included as well… :)


wendy said:

I’d love to use the new notebooks and pens in my night classes. Sad to see summer go, but looking forward to the crisp autumn air.


Helen said:

We’re a two-teacher family – I teach high school English and my husband elementary music, so each fall is definitely a new beginning in our household. We do a big cleaning of the house and cook a few batches of meals to stash in the freezer in preparation for diving into the school year.

Tenisha Stuckless-Wallen

Tenisha Stuckless-Wallen said:

Fall is my favourite time of year also. Crisp and fresh. And back to school is always exciting. This is such a lovely giveaway :)


shiaria said:

I just discovered your store (and ordered a new passport Midori, thank you!). I am very envious of your delightful letter writing workshops. I think I may have to plan a trip to Toronto just so I can attend one of those!

I live in Montreal, so fall for me means the return of the students to the McGill University campus. Oh! And changing of the leaves on the mountain just behind the campus as well, of course!


zzdia said:

Living in a tropical country means we don’t have fall, we have storm season. But I do love the cooler weather that this time of the year brings. And rainy afternoons are the best for staying in bed, being lazy

Mama Muse Me

Mama Muse Me said:

I am taking a class toward my master’s degree this fall.


Ivy said:

Love the colors of Fall! Really want to go back to school again!

Bailey Dexter

Bailey Dexter said:

I love the fall, the scent of the wood stoves. By then also the kids are settled into school!

dale thele

dale thele said:

Love autumn, that means FOOTBALL in the USA :)


Zephyr said:

Start of September should be about when I hear back from a studio I really want to work with. Been taking a lot of notes and using paper for drafting up code. And with fall brings much cooler weather. Weather that I can actually stand while outside.


ChristineL said:

This fall I will begin to prepare for an MFA in Creative Writing – I have put aside creative work for a decade in order to pursue a PhD and a career in academia, but that path has proven to be a disappointing one. It’s taken years to gather enough courage to pursue writing, but such a risk is necessary. NB: My Midori Traveler’s Notebook is a constant writing companion!

Pat D

Pat D said:

I’ll be TA-ing full time in the fall…Nothing like a new pen for correcting their mistakes :P
I’ve always been an on-off journal writer…maybe it’ll be time to start again (same with letter writing). And the weather with be cooler then and lots of fresh produce arriving (squash!).

Lyndsay Alvin T. Ng

Lyndsay Alvin T. Ng said:

There is no season quite like the fall. I like fall. The days where every step we take results in pounds of sweat are long gone. It’s time to relish the cool weather this time of year brings. Love your blog.


jarekanderson said:

I’m going to crack open a new Leuchtturm for songwriting.

Ryan (@RyTron)

Ryan (@RyTron) said:

This fall will be filled with many more filmmaking projects. Might be rainy, but better than the snow of early 2014! a


Yvonne said:

Not a teacher but work at school, so September means back to busy and vivrant atmosphere of typical new semesters. Have to kiss goodbye to peaceful office, but hope this fall will teach me to cope better with life and work.

Just started reading your blog and it’s been a fun journey!


Pauline said:

As a child, I always enjoyed back to school shopping. I remember always perusing the items at Grand & Toy.
This September is especially exciting because my son will be starting JK. Time really flies. Enjoy every moment with your little guy.


VA said:

You guys are awesome…


nicholasyeung said:

september means school starts up again. back to marking assignments, tests and exams!


Ted said:

Maybe ‘cause I’ve spent a good part of my life in school, the Tuesday after Labour Day has felt more like the start of the new year than January 1 ever did. (BTW: Queens Alumnus, here. BMus, ’82)

This fall is big for me. I suffered severe burnout a couple of years back, and my life has been…well, very odd since. So this fall is the time to get back on track, and start building a life I want — or as close to it as I can get. I’ve already started the process, but September is when the plans are put into action. (Truly: I’m scared, and excited, and hopeful, and determined.)

A few weeks back, I realized that my life was boringly lacking colour and texture. I was staring at my moanings and in my journal, and wondered what I could do to put some colour and texture into my life…a bit of inspiration to pull me along when the going gets tough and weighed down in the sameness of it all. And in a flash of “OMG!” I realized that my journal is a regular Hilroy notebook (white paper with blue lines) and a black disposable ball point…all of which is about as bland and flat as you can get, I realize. A friend -who’s into bookbinding, letterpress printing, and is a dedicated fountain pen user- suggested I might try better materials and tools for journaling. (“Seriously: fountain pen is the way to go. And you’ll be blown away when you look at the colours of ink….”)

Hopefully September will bring a trip to Wonderpens to try out pens, and look at ink splotches. I feel I’m teetering on the edge of a rabbit hole.

I’m looking forward to fall, indeed.

Justin Yu

Justin Yu said:



Sean said:

This fall will be quite a significant fresh start for me. I’ll be completing my undergraduate studies in a couple weeks, and come September I’ll be entering the professional world.

Vivian Carter

Vivian Carter said:

We’ll fresh start is this: I just got my last test result – and I am cancer free after two years of treatments! I haven’t been able to write for so long (too sick, couldn’t concentrate, worrying, trying to keep the family going). But hey, it’s time! I’d love new goodies to start all over. (With a free and happy heart!)

Jessica W (@jwrekso)

Jessica W (@jwrekso) said:

I’m hoping we’ll have a more uniformed fall, where the leaves will turn colours together since the past few years, the leaves fall have been all over the place.


LL said:

Almost two decades later, fall still feels like time to go back to school – to buy new supplies, clothes, and bags – that I don’t really even need anymore! Ok, maybe I need those paper clips. :)


Kevin said:

In the fall (or as we say in the UK, autumn) things always start to get even busier for me. People come back from annual leave and my place of work then revs up into full swing! However the change of colours and the evenings drawing in are always nice.


NatalieP-J said:

I got my fresh start at little early this year – I recently moved to a new apartment, and decided that that was as good a time as any to start a journal. I’ve been faithful for about two weeks, and hope that can continue in the face of another fresh start: graduate school. I found Wonder Pens only this past April, but having such a friendly store nearby really helped jump-start my love of fountain pens. I’ve been finding excuses all summer to put pen to paper. I’m hoping my new journalling habit will eventually lead me to other kinds of writing on a daily basis.


Lilith said:

Yes Liz! You should come visit Kingston! Pick up some local veggies and eat some Pierogies at the Memorial Centre Farmers Market, then go for a walk with Super at Lake Ontario Park!


biancarogoveanu said:

Just finished med school, and i have my internship exam coming this november ! So lots of reading…Thanks for the chance !


wen.e.scott said:

Fall is kicking up a storm through a pile of freshly raked leaves, sending them every which way, then raking the leaves into a new pile to kick up a new storm.

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