TWSBI released some new products and updates right around the time we were starting to get busy, and I'm sorry we didn't have more of a chance to share about them! Unfortunately, we're just gearing up to say good bye to some of them now.
The long awaited red-blue 580 was released - the re-release of the original 540 ROC Limited Edition - and we got a few of the limited quantity. Our stock has dwindled to its last - it's all we have left! TWSBI released an American version, but we got the original ROC version. If you are set on a nib size, and we've run out, your only option is to purchase the pen and an additional nib unit for it to swap out. We are still petitioning Philip for a Canadian version...
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The Mini in White & Rose Gold finish was not originally meant to be a limited edition item, however, TWSBI has pulled it off its line and what we have left is it. I'm pretty sad about seeing this pen go! I believe they may try to bring it back, maybe even as soon as in a few months, but who knows the machinations of TWSBI! Jon actually said that this is a pen I would like, but I wasn't really paying attention until it arrived and he was right... Keep in mind that the nib actually has a rose gold finish as well, so if you purchase a mini nib unit to swap, it will fit, but will not be the same finish. The good news is that the Classic now has a post-able cap! I personally recommend the burgundy (even though I mostly use black and blue ink...)! You can also check out TWSBI's blog for news and updates.

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October 15, 2014 — wonderpens



Anonymous said:

Thanks for reading!

Based on what you are already writing with, I would probably recommend the Fine, especially because writing with fountain pen ink on different kinds of papers can sometimes run just a little wider because of absorbency. It also gives you more flexibility on the kinds of paper you can use.


Naty said:

Nice post about TWSBI… I actually just discovered the rose gold version of the Mini… I think it’ll be wise to get it before it disappears forever! Would you recommend the Fine or Medium nib? I’m a fountain pen newbie and my usual thickness of pens/rollers would be 0.7mm jetstreams or 0.5mm mechanical pencils… Thanks a mil!

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