Notebooks I’m Using

These days things have slowed down (although time does seem like it’s on its own sort of warp).
These days I’m using my Traveler’s Notebook for general organization. Things haven’t really picked up so much, but there are appointments for things that are now opening up again, loose plans. I’m still keeping my reading journal. I keep washi tape and glue and scissors and stickers in the Classiky first-aid box.
I’ve been using and really enjoying my B6+ Leuchtturm for everyday journaling. I don’t get to it everyday, although most days, but I also occasionally tape a picture in, do some test scribbles.
With less on my plate, fewer obligations, things closed, I’m enjoying taking more time. It’s having young kids, having the shop, hustling, taxes, being in Toronto, I guess, that kept us busy. It’s ironic, I hadn’t realized how carefree I had been before (no looming pandemic, no looming worries about the business going down the drain, withering away on unemployment, moving in with my in-laws), but I also hadn’t realized how busy I’d been.
It’s not about preference, there’s no choice in whether or not to live in a pandemic. Certainly when things get back to normal, Caleb will enjoy returning to some of his favourite things, and I will enjoy other things, seeing people, doing things we haven’t done in ages. Sitting casually in a cafe, sharing dinner with friends, going on special day trips to a museum, or a road trip out of the city.
And I will have my trusty Traveler’s Notebook for all those stories, whenever they come.
Julia said:
Coming to this post late, but appreciating it so much!
I think our travelling is internal these days – looking at what we’ve lost, navigating what we still have and are grateful for. The past year has definitely left me feeling more reflective, more analytical, and definitely also grateful for the things we had AND the wonderful things that remain a part of our lives.