Things to Do on Dundas West
Spring is here, and it has meant our weekends have been getting busier than ever, with everyone out strolling and getting Porchetta sandwiches and wandering the streets of Toronto. Which is wonderful. Here are some last things to do if you're coming to see us over the next two weeks. 1. Check out Odile Chocolat at 829 Dundas W. I discovered this place pretty late into my time here because I always thought I was more of a M&Ms and Reese's Pieces chocolate type of person, but it turns out I'm not. In addition to their chocolate truffles, try their salted chocolate caramels. Odile, the owner, is wonderful as well, and not only because she occasionally has some chocolate treats under the counter... 2. Mostly for you ladies, Bookhou has some beautiful handmade bags and pillows and screen printed fabric things. However, John of Bookhou also makes some amazing wood pieces, including our mobile above Caleb's crib. When we first got it, it smelled of the finishing oils John used on the wood, and Super couldn't stop licking. 798 Dundas W.
3. Tucked away (but you know we are a fan of places that are tucked away!) and a two minute walk from us is a sandwich restaurant called California Sandwiches, which you must try at least once. It looks a little shady, but the sandwiches are worth it. They are massive, Jon can barely finish one on his own, but he gets it done. I recommend the veal, and I like mine with extra sauce and added cheese. Get a few spare napkins. They are at 244 Claremont, which is the closest cross street to the east of the shop, and just north. 4. And finally, pay a visit to our local grocery shop, Dundas Street Grocery, at the corner of Claremont and Dundas W. They are still family run (and their family lives down the street from us!), and whenever I visit, I often find myself in clouds of Portuguese conversations with some of the Portuguese families in the neighbourhood. Pick up some picnic fixings, and head over to Trinity Bellwoods for a beautiful afternoon. They have fresh bread and buns, cheese, drinks, fruit, sandwich meat and more.
Hope you're all having a chance to get out and enjoy this spring weather! :)

With this beautiful weather, we've been taking Caleb for walks down to Queen Street and up to College, and of course to the park for some fresh air. He seems set on crawling to the edge of the blankets to eat the dirt and leaves and grass- I think he must have learned this from Super.