It was so much heart-warming and inspiration to read all of the ways you've been keeping busy and trying to manage.

It was so wonderful we decided to have two winners, and we randomly selected:

If you're one of these two people, please send us an email at If you're not, we wish you congratulations on making it this far in any case! We hope you're all finding new and old ways to stay well and to get words on the page and to look ahead.


Perhaps this is an especially pertinent time for me to reread all the comments, as I continue to be withering on the vine without my iPad. It sounds really pathetic because it is. ("The place doesn't open until 12 noon, Liz.")

It's been an interesting lesson to see how dependent I am on certain technology. It's really more that I'm terrible with technology and can't use things if they're not working exactly right or sometimes even if they are. I've gotten used to uploading photos in a certain place and then moving them to a different place, or things just automatically logging in for me, but now I'm lost in the woods.

But: zoom calls to stay in touch, clouds and drives, emails and social media, the intricate and complex spider web of all the ways this business operates through technology to try and help you start using some of your analogue supplies again. It's always a balance.

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May 15, 2020 — wonderpens

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