I can't believe it's only a week until Christmas! If you have not gotten your Christmas cards out, you need to get on that! The last few weeks have flown by, and our days have been crammed with counting and sorting inventory, taking pictures of all the new products coming in, packing up orders and the shop has had a steady stream of friendly and new faces coming by. Additionally, we've changed a few diapers and left some kibble in the dog bowl... Our small shop is filled to the rafters with boxes and packages going in and coming out, and it's been a tight squeeze during the busiest moments. We've had the opportunity to meet the family members of some of our most dedicated pen nuts, and it's been exciting to help these family members pick a new pen or ink or notebook for their loved ones, although I always have to keep my fingers crossed that I've remembered the right nib size. Caleb, future heir to the empire, has been tucked away in my sling and sleeping for most of it, although he occasionally drives away a few customers with his wailing. A new customer walked in, looked upon us and said, "Well, you can certainly tell you're a family business here" - which is exactly right. We couldn't be happier! (Although we are looking forward to the day when he can finally start earning his keep - packing orders, mopping floors...)
Just a reminder about our holiday hours: Saturday, December 20th: 11-6 Sunday, December 21st: 12-5 Monday, December 22nd: 10-2 - Normally closed on Mondays, but shortened hours for the holidays Tuesday, December 23rd: 10-6 Wednesday, December 24th (Christmas Eve): 10-1  Closed from December 25th - January 1st Re-open Friday, January 2nd We will still be in and out of the shop to pack up a few orders and do some inventory and administrative stuff, so you can still expect your online orders to be shipped out while the bricks & mortar is closed.

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December 17, 2014 — wonderpens



Anonymous said:

Thanks for reading! Yes, cocoa – perfect for our snowy winters :)


Pao said:

a nice cocoa-colored Parker 51. i feel all warm and fuzzy inside. _


Anonymous said:

Yes, please stop by!! Maybe on the same day as Scriptus – two birds with one stone :)


Ruth said:

And is the ink Diamine Ochre?

Have a wonderful Christmas holiday! One of my New Year’s resolutions is going to be to come and visit the shop in person (the other being to make it to Scriptus next year).


Anonymous said:

Yup :)

Merry Christmas! – and I’ll hope to catch you in the shop soon?

Stephen Austin

Stephen Austin said:

Is that a Parker 51 in the top picture? Nice!

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