We are launching two new inks at Scriptus! From your favourite slightly unhinged shopkeeper and the extremely patient people at Dominant Industry are these two new inks that are inspired by our shop cats’ eyes. They are inspired by their eyes, but also I’m hoping they’re just lovely colours as well, with a little good feline energy behind them. After Scriptus, we’ll have them available in the shop regularly, as with Ginger Chicken and Tuna Grey.


Tuna was by far the easier one. An olive green with a hint of love and easy-going desperation and a little romance and a little pathetic from-the-streets adoration and light purring and snack scavenging and scratching at the doors to be let in. Tuna and Olives, a green for the autumn and the ages.



Chicken, on the other hand, was harder to nail down. That blue! That blueish green with a hint of turquoise, a hint of teal, a hint of steely displeasure. Who can resist a cranky cat? Love buried deep down. Lee, from Dominant Industry, had to go back and forth with me many times, and with many long waits in between as I contemplated and pondered and wallowed in my decision paralysis. It had to be a usable colour, but how usable is usable when you can look into your cat’s eyes and dream of the sky?



Originally when I was emailing with Lee, we were talking about a green for Tuna and blue for Chicken, and we had temporarily named them Tuna Green and Chicken Blue and after we’d landed on the final colour, he had gently proposed that the Chicken Blue was not a real blue so perhaps a new name was needed. Yet another impossible decision to be made. And of course, for our Chicken, wandering about the world in the laneway, visiting neighbours backyards and meowing at us plebes from their fire escapes, he is Chicken in the Sky with Diamonds.





I hope you like these two new inks. They are a contemplation of life, and stationery, the art of colour and ink and friendship, of the furry sort and the other sort. How fun to launch them at Scriptus, but we hope to have them with us for as long as they’ll be with us. So many tiny delights in life, and we are just trying to add what we can to the mix.


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Krystal said:

Tuna & Olives has become one of my daily inks; such a gorgeous color. Will they be restocked in the future, or should I begin rationing my supply?! :)


Sally said:

“…but how usable is usable when you can look into your cat’s eyes and dream of the sky?”

This unexpectedly made me tear up. What a beautiful tribute to your babies. Your writing always has moments like these that catch me off guard.


Kate said:

The olive is so pretty! I’d love to see these swatched next to some other Dominant Industry greens and blues.


Kathryn said:

Can’t wait to add these to my Chicken & Tuna ink collection!
(I think you did the right thing in not going for Tuna Green. It’s a little off-putting to think of green…tuna..)

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