Noodler's Army Green Ink

Noodler's Army Green Ink

It's about to rain where we are here in Toronto - and the dark, gloomy clouds make the trees in our neighbourhood look a little like this green, so it's the perfect time for a review.
Noodler's Tiananmen Ink

Noodler's Tiananmen Ink

Noodler's Tiananmen Ink Review Noodler's Inks are often based on historical or political events: one most well-known example is Tiananmen.
Noodler's Lexington Gray Ink with a Dip Pen

Noodler's Lexington Gray Ink with a Dip Pen

Dip pens are perfect for calligraphy inks (like Rohrer & Klingner's Traditional Ink), india inks, or pigmented inks: inks that don't belong in your fountain pen, but they can also write well with fountain pen ink.