Faber-Castell Ambition Fountain Pen in Pearwood available at wonderpens.ca
This January has been a great and very, very busy month for us! We had thought after the holiday rush things would really begin to slow down. Especially with all of our of stock items, we had thought we would get a few weeks to slowly stock back up. DO Design was a terrific - a lot of new faces in the neighbourhood and in the shop. The table on display in our shop by Derek McLeod even got a "Design Lines Loves" tag, which I think they only had out to a hundred displays. Really, more terrific for Derek than us, but still great! The table is made out of steel and then plated with copper, so very heavy - I had someone ask if they could "tip it over" to see how heavy it is. I had to use some teacher-judgement-call in saying "Uhm, I don't think so..." We've had a few people ask about Super (he's not even in the shop yet, but he's more popular than us!), since we said we were aiming for January to begin bringing him in during store hours. We haven't even had time to bring him in for after-hours training because we've been busy mopping floors and packing orders. That has been wonderful, but Super...is definitely still not ready for prime time.
TWSBI Micarta Fountain Pen wonderpens.ca
If you've been in our shop you may have seen some of these new pens, but it's taken us a while to get them up. We now have a few Faber-Castell pens, TWSBI's Micarta, as well as some new Kaweco pens - the Allrounder in Red and the Al-Sport in Blue. We're still waiting for the Liliput to come back into stock so we can get some pictures of it and get it up on the site - we're hoping for early February. And I hope you all had a Happy Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year! I'm a little late to the wishing, but we're looking forward to a very tasty Chinese New Year dinner with my parents tonight, so my celebration is still going on!

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Anonymous said:

We’ve heard a lot that the Faber-Castell pens have some of the smoothest steel nibs out there, so we’re excited to try them out in store! The Micarta is also a lovely pen. Hope you had a great new year!


Elaine said:

Both the Micarta and Faber-Castell are beautiful pens. I have a Micarta that I use daily and a different model of Faber-Castell that writes like a dream. They’re great choices for your store. Happy Chinese New Year!


Anonymous said:

Got it, Harry :) Will send you an e-mail when both are in!

Harry Devlin

Harry Devlin said:

John/Liz, would it be possible to put a Fabet-Castell Pearwood and a TWSBI Micarta ( with clip) aside for me please? Broad nibs on both please. Please let me know when you have them and I will come down to pick them up.

Thank you,


Sent from my iPhone



Anonymous said:

Good to hear! And lots more to come :)


prolixbrio said:

Wow. You will be seeing more of me :)

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