Happy Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is coming up, and I thought maybe you could use some inspiration as you're writing your cards. After all, it's hard to be romantic on demand.
And if you can't read my handwriting: My Rules If you want to marry me, here's what you'll have to do: You must learn how to make a perfect chicken-dumpling stew. And you must sew my holey socks, And soothe my troubled mind, And develop the knack for scratching my back, And keep my shoes spotlessly shined. And while I rest you must rake up the leaves, And when it is hailing and snowing You must shovel the walk...and be still when I talk, And -- hey -- where are you going? -Shel Silverstein

Jon is a secret romantic, which is why he's always so sad when I say things like, "Super, you're brown and amazing and my best friend," or "Super, let me give you a kiss for being so fabulous," or "Super, you're so chocolatey and delicious, yum yum"...but this poem makes me laugh because, really, Jon is very good at scratching backs. (He's still working on the chicken-dumpling stew. Or anything that doesn't come frozen and in a cardboard box. But he's still my Valentine.)
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When A Guy Pays Attention To You said:
This was just what I was on the look for. I will come back to this blog for sure!
Anonymous said:
That’s a great idea! I will have to put some thought into it: I mostly use blues, browns & blacks myself, so I may have to do a bit experimenting :)
Thanks for reading!
Michelle said:
really adorable poem and great pen. as a next blog post, you should blog about good pink/red inks to use for valentine’s day!
Anonymous said:
The Rose Gold Mini is one of my favourites!! I think TWSBI may try to bring it back – they stopped because of production issues, but maybe they’ll be able to figure something out :)
Anonymous said:
Thanks for reading! One of my favourite authors :)
Pao said:
giggles that’s a funny poem. :)
Stephanie (@seedchan) said:
Your family is too cute!!
The TWBSI Rose Gold Mini is so beautiful! I’m so sad that I didn’t catch it before it went out of stock.