When the shop first opened back in 2013, I started writing the blog mainly as a way to keep people updated on shop news and new products, and also because when the shop first opened, there were some pretty quiet days, and it seemed like better than doing nothing in terms of keeping the business moving. I remember sitting there during those rainy days, sipping a cup of coffee and listening to music and just tapping away on the computer. Over time, maybe as a result of quiet days, and too much time on my hands coming from being a teacher when every minute is booked and crazy, I started writing more and more about the family and growing a business and writing and also about Caleb. In many ways, these things are all tied together and have grown together and shaped each other. Normally I try to take pictures when he's napping, since I need some natural light and can't do it after he's gone to bed at night, but every once in a while he pops in, and he just beelines for the action. You may remember the scene from some of these photos from the blog post on the new Platinum inks, and here are the behind the scenes.
Caleb often watches to see what you're doing, and if he sees you swabbing inks, he likes to grab the next bottle and a q-tip, or if he sees you lining up the bottles in a row, he likes to help push them all into line with you. It gets a bit nuts when he starts predicting what's next, getting paper for you or moving the bottles around for you.
He's mostly learned the concept of staying out of the photo or blocking the light, but he loves being as close as possible. Sometimes I feel a bit bad because I have to ask Caleb to leave, and he inches away, and I have to say a bit farther, and a bit farther, and a bit farther. And then when I turn my back to get something, he's right back front and centre. Sometimes he does this thing where he literally waits until I'm just about to take a photo, and then he sticks his hand or foot in really quickly. I don't think he thinks of it like he's "ruining" a photo, but more like he needs to be involved in some way. It makes me laugh now, but it's a game of chicken during the photo shoot, where I'm trying to time it so he doesn't know when I'm about to take a photo, and he's trying to time it so I don't know what he's about to do, until I run out of patience and make him wait six feet away from me.
He's a pretty quiet kid, but he's always watching - sometimes I don't notice him watching and then one day he's participating, helping in everything, following all of the steps you take to set up a photo, placing the things just so. It's crazy how quickly they learn. As Caleb has grown - he's now two and a half - he has become both increasingly more helpful, and increasingly more unwieldy. I love the idea of him being a part of it all, but of course he's mostly just in the way. But really, having him around underfoot all the time - it's the best part of this whole adventure.

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March 28, 2017 — wonderpens
Tags: Caleb



Anonymous said:

I can only hope! His current scrawls and scribbles make me a bit worried – only time will tell :)

Thank you so much for the kind words! We’re trying our best :)


Anonymous said:

Thanks so much for reading and following along! I really appreciate it. And hopefully one day your travels will bring you into our neighbourhood, it would be so nice to say hello in person :)


Anonymous said:

Yes, independence and possibly a mama who is preoccupied!! You would think it would be fifty/fifty for how often he has them on the right way, but it sometimes seems like he goes it wrong more often :)


Anonymous said:

He is always floating around, but I feel the same way – it’s like he and the shop are growing up together :)


Anonymous said:

He is a menace, but you can’t help laughing! Thanks so much for reading and your kind words :)


Anonymous said:

Caleb puts his shoes on himself, and even dresses himself most days – I usually just let him wear whatever he has on and hope no one notices.
And he truly does love helping in the shop, it’s one of his favourite things. He’s getting to the age where he now knows some of the routines and tasks we do, and he loves being “part of the operations.” One day he’ll be doing these tasks for real! :)


Anonymous said:

He actually did break a bottle!! It was pre-photo shoot, when I had the bottles open to do the swabbing. It’s been a while since Caleb has broken a bottle, so I can’t be too hard on him… :)

Andrea Murphy

Andrea Murphy said:

What a darling. By the end of this post, I felt half disappointed, half relieved. Was expecting something to do with liquids and gravity!

Michael Simon

Michael Simon said:

I miss it when Caleb hasn’t appeared in a while; it doesn’t seem as if it’s Wonder Pens.


Lily said:

This was an adorable post. Caleb is such an intelligent kid!

Susan White

Susan White said:

He’s so cute – especially with his shoes on the wrong feet. LOL He must feel very important being so involved with helping you around the shop. Lucky boy.


Lauren said:

This is such a sweet blog post. I wish I lived closer so I could stop into your store. Nonetheless, I love to follow along and keep up with the shop. Your photos are always beautiful!


Nella said:

I bet that child will write beautiful cursive script by the time he enters Grade 1. Keep it coming. Your blog is great, your store even better!


Andrea said:

I absolutely adore that his little slip on shoes are on the wrong feet in these photos. Independence at its finest.

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