While Jon is taking care of the renovations and dealing with the contractors in the new place, I'm taking care of saying good-bye to the old. Part of the reason saying good bye to this place is special is because so many of our memories are here in this space, and meeting some of our customers for the first time here. It's not just about our bricks & mortar customers, people from around Canada have seen us grow and stumble and bumble around as we've added new products and gone through our own growing pains - and continued to support us throughout. It's also not just about customers who spend money (although of course we need to stay in business) - it's also about our customers and our community who have encouraged us and given us advice and ideas and have spread the word-of-mouth love around.
To commemorate our first place and our first steps - and yours with us! - we have a tote bag with our 906 Dundas W shop on it. It's not an advertisement for our business, exactly, since we're leaving 906 Dundas W, but it's a way to celebrate all the support you've given us while we've been here. For our early adapters who discovered us online and came to visit us on Day 1, to people who have just discovered us here, I hope you'll remember this place as fondly as we do. I actually wanted to commission a real artist to do the drawing of our shop on the front, but things have been moving so quickly for us that we were left to our own devices, or rather, Jon left me to draw up what I could. We may not be a complex and well-oiled machine, but we are scrappy! We only had a few of these bags made, really just to celebrate where we've come from. A little piece of Wonder Pens history. We deal in fountain pens, we're old school, we like a little history. And maybe we'll see a few of these bags in the wild, and recognize each other, like Trekkies.
Pick one up on your last visit here at 906 Dundas W! Or, if you're too far, check them out online :)

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March 12, 2015 — wonderpens



Nina said:

Thank you. I might have to pick it up at the new store unless you’re still at Dundas end of April? Are they the same price at the shop? I LOVE your baby pictures!!! Your piece on Coach House Press was inspiring.


Anonymous said:

Thanks for reading the blog! We can certainly put one aside for you, Nina :)


Nina said:

Your shop was an answered prayer for me! Previously I ordered from the US or drove to Cambridge for expensive inks. Your bags are lovely and thoughtful – you really captured the spirit of the place. I’m out of town at the moment and I’d love one of these. How long do I have to come in and scoop one up? Thank you for this memory!! NIna

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