These days, with the warmer weather, the sun slowly preheating the city, Chicken has been spending more and more time outside, and Tuna and I both are enjoying when he graces us with his presence. The gift of him!


Every morning, after I drop off Junia at preschool, Tuna and I have gotten into this routine of doing some friendly nose rubbing and butting while I wait for my bagel to toast. We enjoy each other’s company, we have a little philosophical discussion, we tidy up the kitchen counter a bit, while both of us are occasionally checking out the window to see if Chicken might be coming back for a little mid-morning snack. Of course, neither of us want our undying loyalty to our crusty chicken to be brought into question, like we’re both cheating on Chicken with each other. Chicken, who wants little to do with either of us.



Life is nothing if not various seasons of rhythms and routines, to be enjoyed or slogged through or examined while they’re here. The cats themselves have gotten into this nice rhythm of Tuna waiting by the door, Chicken returning, Tuna meowing loudly so someone will let Chicken in. Then, while Chicken has a little snack at the food bowl, Tuna will watch closely, sometimes close enough to stick his nose right into Chicken’s fur for a deep whiff of freedom, and then they do a little back and forth in the living room, on the stairs, in the bedrooms, etc. Until Chicken finally relents (or falls unconscious) and they both snuggle up tight.



Here is our Tuna, basking in the glory of his sun behind his back, as well as posing alluringly for photos. What a cat.


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May 05, 2024 — Liz Chan



Megan said:

The two of them snuggled on the chair is so precious!


Autumn said:

The story of Tuna and Chicken always warms my heart. Thank you for sharing the little things in your day with us.

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