Midori Traveler's Notebooks 2017 Dated Inserts + Special Edition Treats
A couple of weeks ago we received in most of our shipment of Midori Traveler's Notebooks 2017 dated inserts and the special edition stickers and items for this year.
Some of the dated and special edition items released from Travelers Notebook for 2017 As someone who runs a stationery shop, I can say that there is something very satisfying about boxes of neatly organized notebooks, all packaged up and staring up at you, ready to be distributed to the world. I think there's something about the Midori inserts in particular, because they're very heavy, but slim, so you get a very full feeling in the hand. We have the regular and passport size Midori Traveler's Notebooks, the leather covers, in black, brown and the most recently released camel. I am personally using the blue Pan-Am edition that is now sold out, but I am contemplating whether or not I need a camel, since I can't resist that warm golden brown. These are the leather covers that you can buy inserts or refills for, to use as you'd like, including these dated agendas below. Here are the dated inserts we have: We have the monthly in both the passport and regular size for 2017 (and there's also a blank one as well, in case you don't want to commit to a whole year).
Monthly insert in both passport and regular size. We're carrying the two different weekly inserts for 2017. There's the vertical one (with the week across two pages, and each day is a vertical column) and there's a weekly + memo one (with the one week on the left page, each day one row, and the facing page is a blank grid. Both of these come with two notebooks - one notebook for January to June, the second for July to December, so you don't have to lug around quite so much weight all the time.
The weekly vertical diary for 2017 - one week across the two pages.
Weekly + Memo, with the days coming down the left page. If you're unsure of which you'll like better, you can always test out with open-dated agendas before the year's out before committing to the whole year in one format: the weekly + memo and the vertical both come blank with no numbers, so you can fill them in yourself. Because it's blank, even if you just use some of the weeks, you can pick it up again later for a specific project or give it to someone else who prefers that format. The dated passport weekly only comes in the one format here, along with the monthly.
More exciting, though, at the special edition items Midori has also released. There is a set of stickers to help you customize and use your Midori as a planner and organizer, and are vintage Pan Am themed, which I just love. I'm getting a bit better about being less precious about supplies - actually using them, even these sorts of special edition items or discontinued things, rather than saving them for a 'special occasion' - so hopefully I'll be able to make good use of them throughout 2017. These would also look great on snail mail.
It also comes with a sheet of tabs to help you organize your inserts - two sets of monthly ones for the regular size, and one set for the passport, as well as some ones labeled "important," "list," "information," etc. for you to use as you see fit. The tabs are great because the part that sticks to the page is clear, so you don't cover any information. When attaching them to your notebook, you should get the tabs fairly close together or else they won't all fit, but they are also ever so slightly removable, so if you mess up, you can move them around cleanly once, or maybe twice. The two monthly tabs for the regular size are different colours, so you'll be able to differentiate if you're using them for your monthly insert as well as a weekly. Even though one of the sets (the third) is smaller, and designed for the passport, you could of course use it in the regular size for another purpose.
And lastly there is a writing board underlay, a stiff plastic with more vintage Pan-Am and other TN history inspired designs, in both a passport and regular sizes, which helps with writing when you're on the go and you don't have a table to write on.
The regular size underlay on the left, and the passport size top right.

We had a few people waiting specifically for these dated inserts, but I kind of waffled around for a few weeks (hence why this blog post is so late!). I think because it's "just" November, but when they first came in, I hadn't quite sorted out what I was going to do. While I'm always kind of thinking about what my analogue system and notebooks are going to look like next year, I hadn't actually sat down and made any sort of decisions or plans. I've historically used the weekly + memo, but I think this year I'm going to go with the vertical. I used to go with the weekly + memo because I had projects that were ongoing, or had some interesting theories about when I would write a blog post that ended up being way off. I thought I needed the flexibility of the one page on the right, but I'm going to see how things go with a bit more structure, and I can also use it to help organize things that need to happen at specific times of the day, like Caleb's classes or appointments. And just for fun, I thought I would share a picture I discovered just minutes before sitting down to write this blog post. Caleb loves stickers, and he's put some of my favourite ones onto one of his favourite activities, turning on and off the lights. I didn't even realize he had the organization to get these from my desk and to put them somewhere specific, instead of just randomly on the walls or his pants. He had surprisingly good placement - the people are fairly centered, and both straight up, not tipping to one side - on the light switches for a kid who usually can't tape down bubble wrap with 14 pieces of masking tape.
Anonymous said:
I’m glad he’s picked up something, other than inky fingers! :)
Mush said:
Clever child. Must be all that absorbed coherence from being around all those organized and organizing stationer’s goods!