Spring has finally come! For those of you in the Toronto area, you'll know what I mean when I say the sun woke up today. We'd been looking for quite a long time to find a new space for the shop. We wanted all along to have a live/work space, with an apartment above or in the back, but as the shop got fuller and fuller, we started to think maybe we needed to get a bigger shop space, and just get another house close by, as we have now. Real estate in Toronto is no joke, and the small shop was really started to put limits on what new products we could bring in and display, how much stock we could hold, how many people could be in the shop at one time, hiring employees. We almost broke a couple of times, but I'm so glad we held out for just the right space - for the business and for the family. This new space will be space for both the business to grow and expand, and with room for the family to grow as well. It makes sense, but it's also just...good. It means Jon can grab some lunch when the shop is quiet, and I can come out and stock the shelves up while the baby's napping. It means we might finally bring Super into the shop (don't hold your breath, he's basically the worst behaved dog in the world). It means Jon will be around to change more diapers and catch moments some of these precious moments before they're gone. Our mornings can look like this everyday, with this little joker and his grin.
I mean, it's 6:30 am, but how can you not smile? Plus, his hair is basically growing into a mullet, so just looking at him makes me laugh.

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April 12, 2015 — wonderpens



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catteee said:

We definitely will :) Would love to check out the new space! So it’s going to be a live/work space for you guys?
And I truly cannot wait until Andy also sleeps through the night :P Though somehow my body is still functioning despite perma-sleep-deprivation! We are going to start getting him to bed at a more reasonable time to see if we can help smooth his nights out


Anonymous said:

Hi Cat!

Thanks for reading! I’m sorry I missed you and Kelvin and Andy-as-seed before in the shop, but I hope you’ll stop by the next time you’re in town.

I don’t think baby Caleb started sleeping through the night until 3-4 months, and (whether good or bad…) he “had” to adapt to a bit of a routine since I was schlepping him back and forth to the shop. We had our share of tough nights, but it only gets better :)


PS I found once we figured out our day routine a bit more consistently, his night sleep got a lot better :)


catteee said:

Hi Liz,
Been loving all these posts about your life and work, and especially loving all these photos of your baby on Instagram! Our little guy just turned a month old, and reading your post about your daily routine, I must say I had slightly more than a tinge of envy at the fact that he actually has a routine! Andy, unfortunately, has taken to sleeping a lot during the day and waking up every hour at night. Anyways, just wanted to say Kelvin and I are super excited to come see your new store when it opens, and we will bring Andy by too :)

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