Despite an honestly quite impressive level of neglect and basically having been entirely given up upon, our shop plants are coming to back to life. Buds, sprouts, new leaves. People are advising that despite being home all the time, and not having the same basic week structures to centre your internal routine and watering schedules, you shouldn’t overwater your plants. Plants here are in no danger of that, I assure you.

At the very least, I’ve finally moved the plants up from the studio shop into the apartment. Nowadays we only duck into the studio shop to pick up inventory, to look for that extra roll of something that someone thought we had kicking around, so the plants were getting past the droopy stage into the dead leaf stage. But they’re upstairs now!

Every year, around the Victoria Day weekend, we do a big re-potting, and I’m looking forward to getting my hands back into the soil. Spring comes no matter what, I suppose, and all the green things are laughing at the idea that humans are in charge, but who doesn’t like a little fresh compost.

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April 27, 2020 — wonderpens



Anonymous said:

Thank you, Ruth. Your encouragement is just what I need in the face of all my dying plants—haha.

Hope your spring garden is going well! What a time to be growing your own food.



Wow, your peperomia is looking great! Now there’s a plant that doesn’t like to be overwatered. This one looks very happy indeed!

I’ve been growing leaf lettuces from seed. They ought to go outside but they’d be instantly eaten by varmints so they have to make do with the grow light. At least my orchids are putting on a good show right now. They seem to know that it’s spring!

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