Once again, the fall has rolled around, the cold weather has descended, and with Naomi a bit older, we’ve made it to the pumpkin patch to pick a few gourds for Hallowe’en.

We went to Reesor’s again, about 45 minutes out of the city. We are no pumpkin patch experts, but this place has always been fun, easy to get to, friendly, and welcoming. In addition to the pumpkin patch where you pay to enter pick your own (or you can purchase some pre-picked ones) they had a corn maze, a market area where you can pick fresh, Ontario grown fruits and vegetables, along with baked goodies like pies and cookies. They’re also an independent family business, and who can’t get on board with that.

The pumpkins are for both shops, but we’re also going to do a staff pumpkin carving competition. Stay tuned for more details on that action.

As busy as life can sometimes get, I love that we have an opportunity to occasionally bring our kids to experience some of these perhaps more traditionally “Canadian” experiences.

As both kids get a bit older, despite their increasing independence, life seems actually have gotten busier (music lessons, parent council meetings, dentist appointments, two shops). I’m discovering it takes a lot more organization to fit these things in, planning ahead for PD days from school, or looking at our schedule in advance and trying to coordinate when things bring us into the neighbourhood already.

We don’t make it to everything, every year, but when we do, it usually seems well worth all the effort of packing everything up, strapping everyone in and making all the pit stops. We’re working hard on that balance—with all the time that we spend in the shops, a microcosm of our Wonder Pens world, it’s nice when we have a chance to give them a bit more of a normal childhood.

If you’re interested in traveling down memory lane, here’s a trip to the pumpkin patch from 2016.

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October 19, 2019 — wonderpens

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