It's Friday! And to celebrate (so late at night especially), I thought I would share a few photos from our last trip to the supermarket. Now that we're on the east end of Toronto, we've been going to T&T more and more often for our weekly grocery trips. It's just down by the water, and it has a lot of Asian foods that are sometimes harder to find or else maybe more expensive at other supermarkets. This kid just cracks me up at how he goes through life.
Retracing our steps after a lost shoe.
You can't help but love this age when every where you go is an adventure. Walking through the halls to the calligraphy studio, a trip to IKEA, a trip to the supermarket. Even going to the coffee shop around the corner is making sure you stop and climb up on every doorstep, and peer out at every truck, and try sneak a squeeze on every bicycle tire you pass. But of course the most exciting part of the supermarket are the flaps that T&T puts in over the winter months. They replace the automatic doors to keep the warm air from being pulled outside. Admittedly, the doors have been in need of being replaced for a long time as they are not exactly reliable. The automatic doors at are of a much higher quality. While Jon checks out, Caleb runs back and forth through the flaps. I can't quite explain why he's so into them. Every once in a while he bumps into some unsuspecting patron, and then he runs back to me because despite his glee, he's actually a very shy kid. I sometimes think if he could have a day of anything, it would be these flaps.
I wonder what Caleb's going to do when spring comes and the flaps are gone. Who knows, maybe he'll have even more fun with the automatic doors.
And then here's what happened the T&T guy retrieving all the shopping carts gave Caleb a special T&T balloon.
We had to run away after that, so the T&T guy wouldn't think we had just cavalierly destroyed his gift seconds after bestowing. Adventures of wonder and amazement and joy all day long. If you've been following along with us for a while, you may remember this post from a while back when Caleb was just this tiny little bear cub. How time flies.


This blog post has taken a good solid extra two hours as I've been having a lot of technical problems with the blog these days. In a rare spat of independence, earlier this evening I googled how to solve these problems. It involved a lot of very complicated words and what seemed like a few too many steps for any reasonably educated person to do by themselves, so I called Jon, who called some technical support online. I think all of these problems I have has to do with my terrible re-furbished mac laptop, which has been the bane of my existence literally since I got it, but Jon says it has to do with my not updating plug-ins for the last three months. (I would like to point out that even after updating my plug-ins, it wasn't fixed.) We also had a short discussion on the merits of cleaning up your desktop so you can find photos that you need to find more easily. As of this blog post, and under some fairly strong-handed guidance, I have moved 10 items to the trash bin. At this rate, my desktop will be clutter free in no time ;) In any case, the blog post is here and it's up. Jon truly is the cornerstone of every operation of this business. Case in point: at this very moment, he's taking the dog out. I assume like many entrepreneurs who are also in charge of little humans, we do our most productive work after Caleb's gone to bed. Tonight, though, we've been sitting crowded around my laptop and on the phone, dragging files from here to there. These days have been busy and Caleb's also been keeping busy. This past week I took Caleb to this rock-climbing gym up the street from us, Oasis, which has this Kids' Zone area where there are tunnels and walls and huge slides for kids. I took a video of Caleb doing a bit of crazy monkey climbing, but I think my eyes may be bigger than my stomach trying to upload that bad boy onto here.

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April 30, 2016 — wonderpens



Anonymous said:

Thank you so much! We truly appreciate the warm wishes. We’re wishing you and your family the same as well! :)

Mickey Oberman

Mickey Oberman said:

I wish a very Happy, Healthy, Successful and Peaceful New Year to:

The Chan Family – Jon, Liz, Caleb, Super & Chicken
and to the entire wondrous Wonder Pens family.

Mickey Oberman


Anonymous said:

Haha, me too!! He is so wiley. I’ve heard it has something to do with body proportions of little guys ;)


Jessica said:

Caleb is totally beating me at climbing any day! XD

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