Blackwing Rebranding + How to Use a 2-Step Sharpener

Blackwing has recently undergone a pretty substantial rebranding. Packaging for pencils and accessories has been refreshed and changed, and they’ve also redesigned their two step long-point sharpener, which is now available in three colours.

They’ve also updated the imprint on their pencils for a cleaner, simpler look. Above is the old imprint on the Blackwing Pearls (black letters) and below is the new imprint.

The new two step sharpener is the same as its predecessor, but smaller, with a rubbery sort of feel (rather than the slippery hard plastic) and despite its smaller size, holds the same amount of shavings. It also has a stronger lid so it stays closed, shavings contained, much better.

And in case you needed a quick refresher on using the 2-step:
There are two holes. The larger one, on the bottom if you’re a righty, is to shave off the wood, extending the pencil lead.

We don’t have all of the new packaging yet, but we’ll be updating it on our website as we receive the new items, and sell out of our remaining old stock. A lot of our old stock is already sold out, but please bear with us as we transition over. I always have a hard time with change, but it’s always nice to get a refresh, and to see a row of new boxes on the shelves.
Pencils are far away one of my favourite things to give people who aren’t necessarily big fans of stationery, especially a box of Blackwings. Of course not everyone gets excited over a fountain pen and a bottle of ink, but a box of pencils is pretty universal, and the easy fun of sharpening a new pencil and testing it out is a gift in this age of tapping and twitchy screens. There really is nothing like starting a project or a blank page with sharpening a new pencil to a crisp point.