Kyo No Oto Bottled Fountain Pen Ink (40mL) - Imayouiro


Kyo No Oto Bottled Fountain Pen Ink (40mL) - Imayouiro

Inky imports are our favourite, and especially when they're from Japan- these inks are crafted in small batches and honour traditional ink making techniques.

To get a closer look at these inks, check out the blog.

40 mL

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Good for taming overly-wet pens

Upon discovering that my Custom 74 (Broad) writes like a double-broad when loaded with Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Bordeaux, I set out to find a drier red ink for this pen. Then I stumble upon a review of Imayouiro, which deems this as a dry ink. Since I only have a few bottles of ink, I don't mind adding one more. And I am not disappointed. This ink has a lovely rosy tint, and is sufficiently saturated to look consistent on both white and yellow-coloured paper. Now my Custom 74 writes like a true broad, without feathering nor soak-through. My only complaint is, it takes slightly longer to dry than Pilot's Yama Budo, which dries in less than 20 seconds.

Duchess Potato
Great color. Needs tweaking.

Painfully dry ink on the whole, no spidering though. Improved massively with a few drops of glycerine and liquified flow-aid.

Fantastic colour!

Warm reddish-pink, needs a touch more nib-cling

This is a beautiful warm reddish-cherry-pink, nearly identical to Faber-Castell's Electric Pink. Curiously, both of these inks look like neon pink on the paper towel I used as a pen-wipe, but almost reddish on the Rhodia paper I wrote on. Weird.

This ink has some nib-cling, but needs a bit more to really work well in broad or flex-nibs. Still, it works okay, though is occasionally slightly fiddly, in my 1920s Wahl #2 flexible-fine pen. I'm going to try adding a tiny drop of liquid dish-soap to a small sample to see if it improves the cling.