Shin-Kai is a blue blue-black that leans a teensy-weensy towards the red side. It is not an overly saturated ink, so I obtained some shading, and it’s not undersaturated, so I obtained some red sheen, the latter visible with wet pens. The ink flows easily, coats the nibs well, and dries rather quickly; it cleans out easily as well.
I’ve observed no feathering or bleedthrough, just the typical ghosting on thinner papers. It worked flawlessly in all my Sailor 1911 L 21 kt nibs, from H-EF to H-B; it was even a pleasant writing experience with my 1911S 21 kt H-M, which is a dry writer, and the pen I like the least, and I was able to lay down a readable dark line without it being very saturated. Actually, this ink lays down a dark line regardless of nib tipping.
I like this ink very much; I find it’s more navy than blue-black, and it reminds me of Diamine Tchaikovsky from the Music collection. It’s darker than J. Herbin 1670 coll. Bleu Océan 1st edition without the sparkles, but lighter than J. Herbin Bleu des Profondeurs, which is blacker.
This is the first Iroshizuku ink I tried at my local shop, when they had the ink display with what looked like the Pilot Petit with a calligraphy nib. One pen per colour, and they all screwed back into the display. Of course, I had to try all the inks. The three I still remember liking the most are Shin-Kai, Kon-Peki and Yama-Budo; but I left with a bottle of Tsuyu-Kusa!
I bought a sample of Shin-Kai to make sure I still liked it. Yup!