We got robbed! It was terrible and confusing and shocking and tragic. Mostly just very sad. Also a bit confusing. People are breaking in…because they want…pens? Thieves? Want our special things? They…think our things are special?


It was an early morning break-in, Jon dealing with the police, the security people, the glass replacement guy. The glass guy brought a hammer to demonstrate the new and upgraded plexiglass, and while I wasn’t there for it, I hear it was pretty intense. Jon raided my office for make-do supplies, headed to Best Buy to get a new ipad, new gear so we could run the shop.


It was bad timing and good timing. While we’re all counting on a break after the rush of Christmas, things are slower and I can’t imagine if this had happened during the holidays.


Also, at the front of this epic drama, I’d like to point out that I played a key role in this whole operation. Far be it for me to reveal too many details, but as someone who is chided not infrequently for being hard to reach because I’ve forgotten my phone, or it’s on silent somewhere at the bottom of my bag, or it’s out of batteries, I rise victorious from the ashes like a Phoenix, my phone in hand. There was a small point in time where I thought I was dreaming and someone on the phone was speaking another language until I heard the words “52 Clinton” and I thought to myself—that sounds familiar.


Really, most shocking of all was how many of you lent your voices and comments and messages in support. We posted it on Instagram and it was baffling and touching and heart-warming how many of you shared our disappointment with humanity in general and Toronto criminals in particular. I have no idea what to make of it all.


Ten years in this game and for basically all of it we’ve been flinging things out into the wind, and so many of you were indignant and horrified on our behalf. How did this come to pass, so many people in our orbit, having joined us on this journey into the bush, machetes and fountain pens in hand?





Sometimes (most of the time?) I feel like we’re just some earthlings in our own little stationery bubble, hobbling together a living, asking what the point of it all is when everyone is using their screens to get through their nighttime anxiety and asking Google to turn on the lights for them, and ChatGPT to writes stories for their kids’ bedtimes. But then someone breaks into your store because—they think there’s something valuable in there?? Because they’re dummies? But if those are the two options, what does it say about us, running this dog and pony show?


There’s no long or short of it.


Two goons broke in and messed around with our shop and took some things. These days we are all just making do with what we have, and often nobody has much. Maybe they have some personal terrors in their own lives, who of us does not? It’s not forgivable or unforgivable because it just is. In the grand scheme of everything going on in the world, we are still here. No one got hurt and we have insurance (I can say this blithely because I am not the one trying to deal with insurance). The police are doing “their investigation” and we wait with bated breath for justice to be served. Batman must be out there somewhere. Plus we got one of those metal accordion gates.


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January 01, 2024 — Liz Chan



Cecily said:

So horrified this happened to you all, such good and kind and wonderful people! May all of you rise like the phoenix to be even brighter in 2024!


Ana said:

Liz, I am so sorry to hear about the break in. It breaks my heart to hear of things like this happening. We had our home broken into several years ago and, more than anything, its the feeling of being unsafe that is the most challenging in the aftermath. Just know that you have people all over the globe sending you good, safe, healing vibes. Love to you all!

Kimberly Silk

Kimberly Silk said:

I was, and am, horrified that some misguided person broke into your shop. It’s violating. Over 20 yrs ago someone broke into my car, I will never forget it. Best of luck with the insurance, they can be jerks and I hope they do better with you and Jon. A bunch of us are purchasing gift cards to help your rainy day. 😘

Eleanor White

Eleanor White said:

I am very sorry that thieves found it necessary (a lark?) to damage your lovely little store and steal products that are mostly prized as personal treasures. The act itself seems pathetic, when everything in the store speaks to the care of and respect for the beauty of communicating.

Zuzanna said:

It is my wish that the thieves have fountain pen loving relatives or acquaintances who rise up at this injustice.

Love and hugs to all of you. You are special people who shouldn’t have to deal with any of this!


BB said:

I think it’s technically burgled. It would be a robbery if people had been in the store but, because it was empty, it is a burglary. At least you have an excuse to say burgled now.


Marr said:

I am so sorry to hear of the break in, and hope you and your family find time to heal, and recover from this senseless violation.

Hopefully the police find the culprit(s) and some closure can ensue.

I wish the best for you and your shop in 2024!

c thomson

c thomson said:

I’m so sorry that this happened and hope it’s completely resolved quickly.

While you’ve put a generous spin on the timing (glad that it didn’t happen during the holiday rush), the time taken up dealing with it during ‘family time’ is really unfortunate.

All the best for 2024!


Jen said:

Hi Liz and team, I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s wrong. Thank you for modelling grace and kindness in the face of adversity. I hope 2024 brings the more joyful kind of adventure for your team. Yes, I also would love to hear your thoughts on how to help, if you can think of anything for your readers/customers.

Karen Clark

Karen Clark said:

Dear Liz and family: I am so sorry you were robbed. I hope you all get over the upset and discombobulation soon. I love your shop and I love your newsletter and I wish you the very best for the New Year.


Anu said:

That this break-in felt as if my family had been robbed just shows how much we value you and your shop!

Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2024.


Andrea said:

I am SO sorry that this happened to you! I hope everything goes well with the insurance people: good luck with all that! I hope it doesn’t change your blithe joy in your work and your shop, and your community. I’m not surprised so many of your readers were incensed on your behalf: Wonder pens is an oasis of connection and reality in an increasingly abstract and tenuous world. I look forward to my newsletter, because you and the store are real: really lovely, really interesting, and really fun. :)

christine arnaud

christine arnaud said:

Appalled by the news of the break-in… as if life was not complicated and challenging enough ! I wish you a philosophical mind to deal with adversity. Ch.

Simar Sahni

Simar Sahni said:

I am heart broken for you, there is this sadness that comes when people that you know are good and that have been kind to you have to experience undue adversity. :(

Hope things are on the mend, looking forward to my next visit.


CJ said:

And be extra careful – thieves usually come back shortly after to steal any replacements after the first robbery.


CJ said:

Argh! I hate thieves more than anything else. I’m so sorry this happened to you, and I hope the police don’t fail to find them quickly. I’m hoping they only grabbed what they wanted and weren’t willfully destructive. If they grabbed anything unique and expensive from your cases, let us know so we can help keep an eye out for them on the marketplace.

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