The Tsundoku Book Club
In this new year, a quarter of the way through the decade, I’m starting my own book club. I’m calling it the Tsundoku Book Club. Currently I’m the sole member, but I’m openly soliciting anyone willing to join me.
Tsundoku is, of course, the wonderful and pointed and elegant and alarmingly accurate Japanese term referring to the act (the art?) of accumulating too many books on one’s nightstand or bookshelves than could be read, of piling up books for later and not reading them. This is me, the problem is me.
There have been a number of sound and logical arguments made by famous readers and writers and thinkers in defense of a healthy and robust library, even (or sometimes especially) including unread books, but I won’t get into that because quite frankly I’m just hoarding books for the love of them, for the smell of them, for the feel of the paper in my hands. Used books, new books, library books, gifted books. The pages are imbued with past and present and future ghosts. I love reading and I love books and you can’t do one without the other.
When I order books into the shop, usually a task I reserve for late into the night, I’m in my own universe of a dark sky and sleepy creatures around me. I leave the woods and enter into this weird rainbow road of flashing lights and extremely unrealistic optimism, collecting mushrooms and coins as I zoom around down rabbit holes. All of a sudden: yes! what a cover and oh a mysterious title! and oh didn’t know that author wrote a new book! and look at those shiny silver circles on the cover and I’m clicking and I’m adding and there’s no restraint or even research and then a week later Jon gets a few boxes in the warehouse.
In any case, we just got some new books into the shop. As usual, I‘ve stacked them all up in my piles, squeezing them onto shelves, into bins and baskets, in stacks on the floor along the walls of my office/closet. I’ve returned from the library with my tote bag full of books that would be impossible for me to read in 3 weeks, as though I don’t already have several overdue library books waiting for me on my desk.
In the new year, I have thus far made no New Year’s Resolutions. Is it too late for them? If I were to have resolutions, I’m sure at least one of them would be to read some of these unread books. But alas, I have none, so I will just have to do my best.
It is a habit of life, this hunger, this misplaced ambition, this overestimation of my reading abilities. I’m going to work on it, enrol into a 12-step program, make some lists.
In the meantime, I’m the president of my own book club. My cat is the vice-president. My other cat is the secretary. Maybe I’ll get some stickers made.
Rose said:
I hear you, Liz! There are embarrassments of stacks all over my house too but that doesn’t stop me from adding to them. The worst thing imaginable is running out of something to read (or maybe something to write on and something to write with). You know that quote attributed to Louisa May Alcott: “She is too fond of books and it has turned her brain.” Tsundokuists, unite!
Wonder Pens replied:
You and I are on the same page: I’m always in fear of sitting around and not having a book! Although when that does happen it’s usually because I’ve forgotten or left my book somewhere, and not because I don’t have dozens of books waiting for me at home…
Suzanne said:
I’m glad to learn that there is a name for my disease: Tsundoku ! And I am grateful for the Japanese people to have come up with a name for it. I am in the advance stages of this condition, meaning that I have reached a point, sometime in the past, of having more books than I can read until I die. And yet, it doesn’t deter me from still going for more books, My public library saves me from bankruptcy . But books are good for sanity. So I am not making any resolutions to change any of this.
Wonder Pens replied:
Book are good for sanity, yes. Maybe even necessary! Or maybe necessary for some of us. I’m reaching those advanced stages—joining you soon.
Arpita Mukherjee said:
I would definitely be a good candidate to join your club 😄 I had whittled down my TBR to about 120 between December 1 and January 5, that has increased to 160. And these are books that I own! I have about 34 books currently on hold at two libraries. So, definitely a good candidate for membership 🤣
Happy Reading! May 2025 bring you lots of little moments full of good reads!
Wonder Pens replied:
You can join my club! I don’t dare count—I prefer the bliss of ignorance. Thanks for reading :)
Happy reading in 2025, and writing!