New TWSBI Inks

New TWSBI Inks

TWSBI has really been on a roll lately, having just released the ECO White RoseGold. Before that they had released four new standard inks as part of their permanent line-up: black, blue-black, blue and red. In the excitement of the holidays and the new year, I’ve haven’t posted about them yet, but the inks are great. Of course they are.

February 06, 2020 — wonderpens
Scriptus, Postscript: the Pen Show Ink, Diamine Rushbrooke Blue

Scriptus, Postscript: the Pen Show Ink, Diamine Rushbrooke Blue

Scriptus is well and done for the year, but bear with me as I just share this last post on the Scriptus show ink, Diamine Rushbrooke Blue. The ink got its name from Philip, the show organizer’s, street in Toronto.

November 14, 2019 — wonderpens
Platinum Classic Iron Gall Inks

Platinum Classic Iron Gall Inks

I have been eagerly awaiting this line of inks, Platinum Classic Inks, to arrive to the shop: a line of earthy-coloured Japanese inks in beautiful packaging - how can I resist. I'm always on the lookout for brown inks, especially permanent ones, and this is line of iron gall inks - which are water resistant and become more so over time - has two beautiful ones, a Sepia Black, which is more of a grey brown, and a Khaki Black, which has hints of red/orange to it.
March 21, 2017 — wonderpens
J. Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink - Caroube de Chypre

J. Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink - Caroube de Chypre

The long awaited Caroube de Chypre, the brown 1670 ink from J. Herbin, has arrived! I had (and still have) a whole bunch of blog posts in the queue, some of which I had ideally wanted done before we leave on our trip but now may never happen given my organizational skills.
J. Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink Bleu Ocean

J. Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink Bleu Ocean

Things are hustling and bustling over here! We've had our grand re-opening this weekend, and that first Saturday we were open, there was a lot of, "oh yeah, converters, right...we need those to sell with the pens" or "hmmm right...those notebooks come in dot grid and ruled...",
May 27, 2015 — wonderpens
Rohrer & Klingner Konigsblau

Rohrer & Klingner Konigsblau

Rohrer & Klingner inks are some of my favourites. They are not a very flashy ink company, although they are better known for their iron gall inks (Salix & Scabiosa) as well as their super shading Alt Goldgrun.
Sailor Kiwa-Guro Carbon Nano Black

Sailor Kiwa-Guro Carbon Nano Black

Kiwa-Guro Black is one of Sailor's "luxury" inks, more costly than their standard Jentle line.
Noodler's X-Feather

Noodler's X-Feather

Noodler's X-Feather Ink is a black ink with a specialty in not feathering. People generally try to avoid feathering because it just doesn't look very nice.
Rohrer & Klingner Alt Goldgrun

Rohrer & Klingner Alt Goldgrun

Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrun is one of the most popular inks from the Rohrer and Klingner line of fountain pen inks and it's one of my favourite greens.