Last week I shared a few ideas on how I'm using my new Midori Mini Notebooks that they released for their 10th Anniversary celebration, and now I'm sharing how I'm using the tin cases. I love the idea of things that will last a lifetime - leather, and fountain pens that you can fill and refill - and so of course I love the tin cases that the mini notebooks come in, for storage and its patina of scuffs and dents over the years. I'm using one to store vintage stamps. I keep them separate from my regular stamps, although sometimes I do mix if it's an international or US letter.
Midori 10th Anniversary Traveler's Notebook Tin Cans Mini Notebooks Toronto Canada Wonder Pens
The second I'm using as a bare-necessities sort of correspondence set- a few letters that need responding to, some letter writing paper, envelopes, stamps, and a few postcards, along with one or two rolls of washi tape. To be honest, I'm sort of a need-everything-all-the-time kind of girl, so I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it like this. I will admit that it's very convenient for short trips down the street to a cafe, as it fits into my bag along with a book and my journal and a few pens, so I'm trying it out for now - especially since I need all the convenience and ease I can get to keep up with my letter writing.
Midori 10th Anniversary Traveler's Notebook Tin Cans Mini Notebooks Toronto Canada Wonder Pens
The last one I'm using to store all my wax seal stuff: my different seals + handles, the wax, matches, and candle. It's super helpful to have it all in once place, so I can just pull out my case and get it done. Previously, I had it in a cardboard box, so you could say this is a step up.
matthew perniciaro
You could basically store anything in these! They're surprisingly deep, so you can hold quite a bit.
I think the idea is to use them to store additional refills, either used or new, but of course you could use them for anything.
  • ink samples/converters/ink cartridges/ink syringes
  • seed packets if you're a gardener
  • little army men, LEGO, marbles or other toys - especially as a travel kit
  • pencil crayons, crayons or art supplies
  • a sewing kit
  • electronics/wires/chargers - it'll fit a mac charger
  • receipts
  • old Instax or Polaroid photos
  • a first aid kit
  • correspondence + letters from a treasured pen pal
If I was brave enough I would plant little succulents into a little garden of my tin case! But I think if you do that, you might be committing to it for a while. I'm probably going to be changing these around from time to time, just as new ideas inspire or as I need them for this or that, and I love that I'm going to have these for years and purposes to come! Don't forget! Each tin case comes with a postcard for you to send back to Traveler's Company in Japan to enter a draw to possibly win a few special items, including one of 30 white Midori Traveler's Notebooks!! Just imagine.
Midori 10th Anniversary Tin Cases Traveler's Notebook Toronto Canada
Midori 10th Anniversary Traveler's Notebook Tin Cans Mini Notebooks Toronto Canada Wonder Pens


In other news, we're soaking up the sunshine and also the air conditioning, and making the most of the warm weather. For once, Caleb's tiny dresser is now overflowing, as his summer clothes mix with his pyjamas and winter clothes that need to be weeded out - a task on a long list of things that doesn't ever seem to get done around here. That's not to say we're not still loving our daily trips to the park and around town. This past long weekend, we went to Edwards Garden with some friends, and it was just gorgeous. The babies played in and around the fountain while we got to lounge on a blanket under the late afternoon sun. We didn't get a chance to actually explore the gardens themselves, but the little bit we did see was stunning, especially in this spring season with the flowers coming out. And my own little miracle flower! I've had this lily plant for over a decade - it once was a lush and thriving and regularly blooming plant, under the meticulous care of many hands (students) and a long row of bright windows.
Most of my plants, from leaving a sunny classroom with possibly over attentive children to the home of two new entrepreneurs and then new parents and then just plain absent-minded adults, have either withered greatly or gave up completely and were left for dead. I didn't think this lily plant would ever flower again, having suffered through now years of neglect and under watering and dark corners of a house. However, over this past year, with new sunny windows and somewhat more regular watering, many of the plants have begun perking up, and while I guess I was being a bit dramatic in calling it a miracle, really, each flower truly is a miracle. We just got some new flowers and plants and herbs for the shop and to celebrate this season and the shop and ice cream and life and being alive, because it's all pretty great.

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Anonymous said:

I also hope they’ll eventually become more widely available! I think they may consider leaving it only as a very rare and special edition, which is why they’re only making it available through the lottery, but we can only dream :)

And your journey sounds amazing! I’m sure you will have a wonderful story to tell as you go on through it :)


Anonymous said:

Thanks for reading! And thanks also for sharing how you’re using it – that’s a great idea! It’s a way to keep your important events and days close to you. I can bet it will be more and more precious as the years pass :)


Anonymous said:

You were indeed meant to have one ;) I’m so glad fate and I could collaborate on this!

Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoy mine! :)


John said:

Thanks for sharing the possible things one can use the mini TN for. As for me, I’m using it to record significant dates of the utmost significant events in my life. I simply use an ink date stamp, press it onto the page vertically. I was inspired by your idea of hanging the mini TN on your bag and added my own touch by keeping it on my keychain.

Elle Dechene

Elle Dechene said:

A white Midori Traveler’s Notebook? And there will only be 30? I was just thinking last week how wonderful they would be in white. Classic black for winter, white for summer. As I play Tai Chi and write about my journey, the yin yang symbol appears often in my Bullet Journal. I do that in my black MTN, but it would be great to switch to white for summer. I can only hope that they will eventually become more widely available.

Ruth Martin

Ruth Martin said:

This post was the very last straw required to break my will power about ordering one of these! I’ve been dithering ever since they hit the web site, assuming they would sell out almost at once and end my agony of indecision. Clearly I was meant to have one, ha!

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