The Letter Opener by Kyo Maclear

The Letter Opener by Kyo Maclear

I stumbled across this book by title only, and couldn't resist. A letter opener? The Undeliverable Mail Office of Canada Post? Based in Toronto?? It's actually in fact a story about a woman, Naiko who works there, and her friend and colleague, Andrei, who one day disappears. 
January 15, 2018 — wonderpens
A Year of Wonder Pens Book Club

A Year of Wonder Pens Book Club

This year, our team started a book club, and it's turned out to be one of my favourite things about working here.
December 19, 2017 — wonderpens
A Visit to Eliot's Bookshop in Toronto

A Visit to Eliot's Bookshop in Toronto

It's been a long time since we've been to Eliot's Bookshop, a used bookshop in the centre of the city at Yonge and Wellesley, but when I heard that the shop may be closing, we had to bundle up the baby and make another visit.
November 16, 2017 — wonderpens
A Toronto Public Library Recommended Reads List

A Toronto Public Library Recommended Reads List

I'm a huge fan of public libraries. I think they speak a lot about the character of a city and how much value it places on community and reading and the openness of ideas. It is about books, but it's also about more than books - it's about access to information, skills, neighbourhoods, people. 
October 13, 2017 — wonderpens
Wonder Pens Book Club

Wonder Pens Book Club

Danielle on our team here had the great idea to start a staff book club, which is just one of many reasons why it's so wonderful to have her here in the shop. I don't know if it's sometimes that a connection that people who like to read are people who like to write, and who like to write by paper (hence working in a stationery shop), but most of our team are people that read books, which I think is pretty great. 
March 14, 2017 — wonderpens
Vancouver Adventures: Book Row

Vancouver Adventures: Book Row

On our trip to Vancouver, we intentionally took it easy because we had Caleb - we usually planned for one big outing in the morning, and then we came home to our Air BnB for his afternoon nap. 
Paul Theroux on the Powers That Flow From a Pen

Paul Theroux on the Powers That Flow From a Pen

Published in the Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2012. He writes about the connection between the hand and the paper when you write with a pen, rather than typing.